Training Programme
International Doctoral Training Programme
Programme: Day 1 (2nd December) | Day 2 (3rd December) | Outline
Applications accepted until November 22, 11:59 PM. Application closed.

Márta Fülöp
WG ChairAffiliations
- Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience and Psychology, Research Centre of Natural Sciences, Head of Social and Cultural Psychology Research Group, Scientific Advisor
- Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church, Department of Social and Intercultural Psychology, Full Professor
About me
Prof. Fülöp is a social and cross-cultural psychologist whose main research area is the psychology of competition. She has also been involved in citizenship research and has been executive member of the Children’s Identity and Citizenship networks and she is president-elect of the Children’s Identity and Citizenship: European Association.
Antal Örkény
- Professor of sociology, Social Sciences Faculty of Eötvös Loránd University of Budapest
- Head of the Sociology PhD Study Program, Eötvös Loránd University of Budapest
- Visiting professor, CEU Nationalism Studies Program
- President of the Menedék – Hungarian Association for Migrants
About me
Antal Örkény is professor of sociology at the Faculty of Social Sciences of the Eötvös Lóránd University of Budapest. From 2011 he is heading the Post Graduate (PhD) Program in social sciences at the ELTE, and a visiting Professor at the Central European University (CEU). As civic engagement, he is the president of the Menedék– Hungarian Association for Migrants.
His major research fields are cross-national surveys on popular perceptions of social Justice, national identity and national stereotypes, Roma minority and prejudice against Roma, border identity, inter-ethnic relations in the Carpathian Basin, international migration and xenophobia, integration strategies in different migrant groups in Hungary.

Alistair Ross
- Professor of Politics and Education at London Metropolitan University (part-time)
- Jean Monnet Professor (life-time)
- Academy of Social Science (UK) Fellow
- Former CiCe JM Network on Citizenship Education, Coordinator/Chair 1998–2006
- Former Institute for Policy Studies in Education (London Metropolitan U) Director 2000–2009
About me
Professor of Politics and Education at London Metropolitan University (part-time), and Jean Monnet Professor (life-time). Coordinated the CiCe Network on Citizenship Education 1998-2006, and was Director of the Institute for Policy Studies in Education at London Met 2000-2009.
Recent publications
- Understanding the Construction of Identities by Young New European (Routledge, 2015)
- Finding Political Identities: Young People in a Changing Europe (Palgrave Macmillan, 2019)
- Educational Research for Social Justice: Evidence and practice from the UK (editor), (Springer, 2011)
Rossana Perez del Aguila
- London Metropolitan University, Faculty of Social Sciences and Professions
- Associate Professor of Teaching, Education Subject area
- Course Leader, Doctorate in Education
About me
Rossana is Associate Professor of Teaching and Course Leader of the Doctorate in Education. She has taught social research methods across the Education studies curriculum from undergraduate to doctoral level. Her current research is about the pedagogy of social research methods, and children and young people’s agency.

Minni Aia-Utsal
- University of Tartu (Estonia), Faculty of Social Sciences (Institute of Education), PhD student
- Estonian Social Pedagogy Association (chairman of board)
About me
Social pedagogue in school and teaching courses in University of Tartu for teacher training and social pedagogy students.
Katarina Blennow
- Lund University, Department of Educational Sciences, Associate senior lecturer
About me
Katarina Blennow is specializing in the didactics of social science subjects and citizenship education.
Her research interests include emotions in education, refugee education and policy enactment. She is teaching courses on social relations, conflict management and inclusive education as part of the Lund University teacher education.